- ±¸Á÷ Á¤º¸¿Í °ü·ÃÇÑ °í¿ëÃËÁøºÎ(EDD)¿ÍÀÇ ´ëÈ Ç¥Çö:
A: I heard that EDD has special services to help me get a job.
B: CalJOBS is a great Internet-based placement service that is available to you.
A: I don't have access to a computer.
B: There is an area at the EDD Center that is set up with computers for you to make use of.
A: Is there anything else at the EDD offices to help me with my job search?
B: We can provide you with information that will help you understand what is available. We also provide workshops.
A: If I go to EDD in person, what type of workshops might I find there?
B: Our two most important workshops are Resume Writing and Interviewing.
A: What are some other places where I might look for work?
B: Job fairs are popular places to look for work.
(source: https://www.eslfast.com/robot/topics/unemployment/unemployment07.htm)