전체 | 어휘 | 표현 | 숙어 | 슬랭 | 콩글리쉬
미드/생활표현 | 사람/표현/명사
Arrow in the quiver a strategy or option that could be used to achieve your objective(목표 달성을 위한 전략 혹은 선택): They have no more arrows left in the quiver.
As a last resort a thing you decide to do when everything else has failed(최후의 수단으로써): Nobody wanted to lend me the money. As a last resort I asked my brother-in-law, and luckily he was able to help me.
As a rule usually, generally(대체로, 일반적으로): As a general rule, men's hands are bigger than women's hands.
As cold as ice/As cold as stone someone who does not show any emotion(차가운 사람, 냉혈한): He is as cold as a stone.
As cool as a cucumber not get worried by anything(침착한): He was as cool as a cucumber.