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미드/생활표현 | 사람/표현/명사
Bob's your uncle something will be successful(식은 죽 먹기지): Press here and Bob's your uncle! It's disappeared.
Body politic A group of people organised under a single government or authority(정치적 통일체(조직된 정치 집단으로 여겨지는 한 국가의 전 국민): Legislative attacks on local government hurt our body politic.
Bog down cause to sink in a bog; delay, hinder, stall; sink in(교착 상태에 빠지다, 꼼짝 못하게 하다; 수렁에 빠지다, 늪에 가라앉히다; 가라앉다): The project get bogged down by complicated bureaucratic procedures.
Boggle someone's mind to confuse or overwhelm someone(…를 압도하다; …의 생각을 혼란시키다; …를 기절 초풍시키다): His speech boggled our mind.
Boil down to to be the main reason for something or the most basic part of something(핵심[본질]이 …이다): In the end, what it all boils down to is money, or the lack of it.